
2022年 11月 8日

Job Description





Vacancies for international teachers

  • 小学全科教师Primary Generalist Teacher
  • 中小学科学教师Primary and Secondary Science Teacher
  • 中小学计算机教师Primary and Secondary Computer Science Teacher
  • 中小学戏剧教师Primary and Secondary Drama Teacher
  • 中小学英文教师Primary and Secondary ESL Teacher
  • 中小学音乐教师Primary and Secondary Music Teacher
  • 中小学美术教师Primary and Secondary Art Teacher
  • 中学社会科学教师Secondary Social Studies Teacher
  • 中学物理教师Secondary Physics Teacher
  • 中学化学教师Secondary Chemistry Teacher
  • 中学生物教师Secondary Biology Teacher
  • 中学数学教师Secondary Mathematics Teacher



  • 住房补贴 Housing Allowance
  • 根据婚姻或子女状况教师可以优惠租金申请入住单身公寓(单间独立卫浴35平米)、一居室(一室一厅73平米)、两居室(两室两厅104-111平米)、三居室(三室两厅139平米),自行安排住宿者享有一定金额的住房补贴。A studio (35 s.q. meters) or a one (73 s.q. meters) /two (104-111 s.q. meters) /three (139 s.q. meters) -bedroom apartment can be applied for based on a staff member’s marital status and number of dependents; if wishing to live off campus, a housing allowance is paid separately.
  • 入职安置费 Relocation Allowance
  • 无论京内、京外或海外员工入职,都享有一定金额的安置费。 An allowance is provided according to the new staff member’s home base or last posting location.
  • 培训基金 PD Fund
  • 一线教师享受每年10,000人民币的培训基金,两年内可累积至20,000元。Teaching staff – 10,000RMB/Year or roll over up to 20,000RMB over 2 years.
  • 教学支持部门可享受每年5,000人民币的培训基金,两年内可累积至10,000元。 Academic support staff – 5,000RMB/Year or roll over up to 10,000RMB over 2 years.
  • 带薪休假 Paid Vacations
  • 一线教师享受校历规定的寒暑假 Teaching staff – School winter/summer holidays specified on the school calendar
  • 教学支持部门享受每年国家法定假期和25天年假 Academic support staff– national holidays and 25 days’ annual leave
  • 工作餐 Working Meals
  • 所有学期内工作日提供日常三餐 All three working meals during the term
  • 健康体检 Physical Examination 每年一次 Once per year
  • 补充医疗保险 Supplementary Medical Insurance
  • 中国籍教师除五险一金外,享有额外补充医疗保险;外籍教师及其家属享有全球(除美国)高端医疗保险。 Social insurance and housing fund plus a supplementary medical insurance for Chinese staff; International staff and their eligible dependents are entitled to a high-end worldwide (excluding USA) medical insurance.
  • 校龄奖 Longevity Bonus
  • 在校工作两年,第三年可享受20,000人民币的校龄奖金
  • 2 years-20,000RMB paid in the third year of service
  • 在校工作五年,第六年可享受50,000人民币的校龄奖金
  • 5 years-50,000RMB paid in the sixth year of service
  • 在校工作满十年,第十一年起,每年可享受100,000人民币的校龄奖金
  • From 11th year on-100,000RMB/year
  • 子女教育福利 Educational Benifits for Children
  • 中国籍员工第一名子女入学享受全额学费免除,第二名及其他子女学费根据员工服务年限按照第一年五折、第二年四折、第三年三折、第四年全额免除的比例给予减免。外籍员工子女享受全额学费免除。 The first child of a local Chinese staff can have 100% remission on tuition fees. The tuition fee for the second child of local Chinese staff will be waived at a percentage in relation to the staff member’s years of service (1st year – 50% off, 2nd year – 60% off, 3rd year – 70% off and from the 4th year onward 100% off). International staff’s child(ren) can have 100% remission on tuition fees.
  • 年度绩效奖金 Annually Performance Bonus
  • 根据绩效评比情况,享受0% 到 200%的单月月薪的年度绩效奖金
  • 0% to 200% of monthly salary according to annual appraisal outcome
  • 其他福利 Other Benifits
  • 生日礼金、新婚礼物、新生儿礼物、咖啡厅、体育馆、游泳池、健身房等 Birthday gifts, Marriage gifts, Newborn gifts, school coffee shop, gym, swimming pool, etc.
