
2022年 6月 24日

Job Description




常州大学坐落于江南历史文化名城江苏省常州市,是中国最具经济和创新活力的地区之一,高铁距离省会南京40分钟,距上海仅50分钟。学校始建于1978年,是江苏省人民政府与中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团有限公司及中国海洋石油总公司共建的省属全日制本科院校。学校现有科教城、西太湖、靖江三个校区,校园占地面积近3000亩。在全球自然指数排行榜(Nature Index)中,学校年度排名基本保持在国内高校第50-70位之间,ESI综合排行榜上位列国内高校第135位,武书连中国大学综合实力排名中位列第150位。在2020年软科中国大学排名(总榜)上,学校位列第129位。教师学术水平获得A等,位列全国高校第71位、省内高校第16位,连续5年保持全国高校百强行列。









  1. 英语为母语或官方语言。









1) 学校提供免费教师公寓;

2) 每年一次往返中国机票报销;

3) 社保、医疗保险以及商业保险;

4) 带薪休寒暑假, 履行服务期满,每年享有2200元的假期津贴。






Foreign Teachers Recruitment in Changzhou University

1.University introduction

Changzhou University (CZU) is located in Changzhou, a famous historical and cultural city in the south of the Yangtze River, Jiangsu Province. It is one of the most developed and innovative regions in China. By taking high-speed railway, it takes about 40 minutes from Changzhou to the provincial capital Nanjing, and only 50 minutes to Shanghai. Founded in 1978, CZU is a provincial public university jointly established by the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation and China National Offshore Oil Corporation. The university has three campuses: Science and Education City campus, Xi Taihu campus and Jingjiang campus, covering an area of nearly 3000 mu. In the global nature index, the annual ranking of CZU is basically between the 50th and 70th among all the domestic universities. CZU ranks the 135th in the ESI comprehensive ranking among all the domestic universities, the 150th in the comprehensive strength ranking of Wu Shulian Chinese universities ranks and the 129th in China’s universities soft science rank in 2020. The academic level of teachers ranks level A and 71st among all the domestic universities and 16th among all the provincial universities, maintaining the rank of top 100 universities in China for five consecutive years.

2.Recruitment requirements

2.1 Specialized courses teachers

2.1.1 Abide by the Constitution and laws of the People’s Republic of China, with good conduct and physical condition to meet the requirements of the post, can provide non-criminal record certificate, medical certificate and other documents as required.

2.1.2 Educational background: Master degree or higher. Fresh graduates should obtain corresponding education degree before August 31, 2021.

2.1.3 Majors: Computer Science and Technology, Electronic Information Engineering, Information Management and Information System, Pharmaceutical Engineering and other related majors.

2.1.4 Relevant professional teaching experience is preferred, can provide recommendation and other documents as needed.

2.2 Foreign language teachers

2.2.1 Abide by the Constitution and laws of the People’s Republic of China, with good conduct and physical condition to meet the requirements of the post, can provide non criminal record certificate, medical certificate and other documents as required.

2.2.2 English is the mother tongue or official language.

2.2.3 Educational background: Master degree or higher. Fresh graduates should obtain corresponding education degree before August 31, 2021. No limitation on major.

2.2.4 TESL certificate or English teaching experience is preferred, can provide recommendation and other documents as needed.

3.Job requirements

3.1. Engage in full-time teaching work. Specialized courses teaching is mainly for students in the School of Overseas Education, Foreign language teachers mainly teach oral English and related courses in CZU.

3.2. Complete other teaching tasks assigned by CZU, such as answering questions after class. Abide by Changzhou University Teachers’ code of conduct and teaching regulations.

4. Wages and benefits

4.1 Monthly salary: 8000-10000 yuan

(Master degree holder or language teacher),

9000-11000 yuan

(Doctor degree holder or specialized courses teacher).

4.2. Other treatments:

4.2.1 Free accommodation on campus.

4.2.2 Round-trip air ticket reimbursement once every year.

4.2.3 Social security, medical insurance and commercial insurance.

4.2.4 Paid summer and winter vacations, 2200 yuan per year holiday allowance.


Please send your resume to email: charlie@cczu.edu.cn

Email Title:Name+University+Degree+Major

Contacts: Charlie Chen

Tel: 0086+51986330519
