Professeur de français (à distance)

2022年 6月 8日

Job Description

Employeur : Institut de technologie de Nanchang (site web)

Recrutement de professeurs de français

1. Poste : Professeur de français ; enseigner en ligne avant l’ouverture de la frontière

2. Charge de travail : environ 16 cours par semaine

3. État de santé : Les candidats doivent être en bonne santé

4. Personnalité : nous recherchons des enseignants qui sont :

  • Intéressés par la culture et la langue chinoises ;
  • Ont une passion pour l’enseignement, un dévouement envers les étudiants
  • De nature amicale
  • ouverts d’esprit et ayant de bonnes capacités de communication.

5. Pas de casier judiciaire dans le dossier.


1. Baccalauréat ou plus dans n’importe quelle discipline.

2. Avoir 2+ ans d’expérience d’enseignement ; ceux qui ont un diplôme en éducation, en linguistique, ou qui sont titulaires de TESOL, TEFL (120 heures minimum) peuvent être exemptés des exigences d’expérience professionnelle.

3. Avoir moins de 60 ans

4. Doit respecter la loi chinoise et suivre le règlement sur le comportement du personnel de l’Institut de technologie de Nanchang.

5. Le candidat retenu doit avoir un compte bancaire chinois ou utiliser le compte bancaire d’un ami en Chine pour recevoir son salaire mensuel en RMB (monnaie chinoise).

Offres d’emploi

1. Salaire mensuel : 8 000 RMB/mois pendant 10 mois. Les meilleurs éléments recevront 11-12 mois de salaire pour 9 mois de travail à partir de la 2ème année.

2. Indemnité de vol : RMB 10,000 yuan/an, payée en espèces ou en remboursement des billets achetés par les enseignants étrangers eux-mêmes. (Veuillez noter que l’indemnité de vol ne s’applique que si vous prenez un vol à destination et en provenance de la Chine).

3. Logement privé gratuit de 2 chambres à coucher fourni

4. Vacances d’hiver entièrement payées. Vous recevrez votre salaire complet en juillet si vous renouvelez le contrat.

Autres avantages : Indemnité de déplacement, indemnité de renouvellement de contrat, indemnité de vacances d’été, indemnité médicale.

Employer: Nanchang Institute of Technology (website)

French Teacher Recruitment

1. Position: French language teacher; teach online before the border opens

2. Workload: about 16 classes per week

3. Health Condition: Applicants should be in good health condition

4. Personality: we are looking for teachers who are:

  • Interested in Chinese culture and language;
  • Have a passion for teaching, dedication to students
  • Friendly in nature
  • Open-minded and with good communication skills

5. No criminal records on file.


1. Bachelor’s degree or above in any discipline.

2. Have 2+ years of teaching experience; those who are with degree in education, linguistics, or who are TESOL, TEFL (120 hours minimum) holders can be exempt from work experience requirements.

3. Under 60 years old

4. Should respect Chinese law, and follow staff behavior regulation of Nanchang Institute of Technology

5. Successful applicant should have a Chinese banking account or use your friend’s banking account from China to receive monthly salary in RMB (Chinese currency).


1. Monthly Salary: RMB 8,000/month for 10 months. Outstanding performer will get 11-12 months salary for 9 months of work from the 2nd year on.

2. Flight Allowance: RMB 10,000 yuan/year, pay in cash or reimbursement from tickets bought by foreign teachers themselves. (Please notet that flight allowance will apply only if you do take a flight to and from China)

3. Free private 2-bedroom accommodation provided

4. Winter vacation with full pay. You will get full pay in July if you renew the contract

Other benefits: Travelling allowance, Renew contract allowance, Summer vacation allowance, Medical allowance

Foreign Teacher Handbook

NIT Foreign Teacher’s Handbook


About The City – Nanchang

Nanchang is the capital of Jiangxi, a province in China famous for its beautiful sceneries and outdoor greenery. Nanchang is situated near the mountains and by the waters, with Meiling West Mountains in the west, Ganjiang River passing through the city, and two rivers and eight lakes interspersed. With city greening coverage rate reaching 43% and water area reaching 29.78%, Nanchang is a provincial capital city with the largest water area proportion among all the provincial capital cities, and it is awarded National Civilized City, National Hygiene City, National Garden City and National Forest City successively, reputed as “Pearl of Poyang Lake, Water Capital of China”.

Nanchang, reputed as one of global ten major vigorous cities, develops with rapid change and full vigor. Traffic network in Nanchang leads to all directions, with railway, highway, waterway and airway blending as a whole. The rail freight line from Nanchang to Rotterdam in the Netherlands has been opened, and it only takes a dozen of days for cargo to reach Rotterdam. The opening of the first “point to point” China-Europe two-way train in Jiangxi realizes two-way connection between Nanchang and Belarus; direct route from Nanchang to Los Angeles was realized for the first time, having initiated a new era of intercontinental airline. Besides, the opening and operation of Subway Line 1 make Nanchang officially step into “subway era”. The opening of Shanghai-Kunming High-speed Railway makes Nanchang rapidly step into “high-speed rail era”, linking with surrounding cities to become one-hour high-speed rail economic circle.

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