
2020年 8月 26日

Job Description







英语语言课教师 4人




1. 母语为英语,具有大学学士学位及教学经验。


2. 无犯罪等不良记录;

3. 身体健康,无不良嗜好;

4. 工作态度认真负责,具有良好的职业道德与团队合作精神。



1. 个人简历;

2. 护照有效页复印件;

3. 最高学位证书复印件和其他证书复印件

4. 提供两位推荐人的联系方式





1. 工资:根据教育背景及工作经验,按无锡太湖学院相关薪资规定确定。

2. 住房:学校免费提供配备家具和电器的一室一厅校内公寓。

3. 保险:学校按政府规定为外籍教师购买包括医疗在内的五险。

4. 福利:(1)餐补;(2)水电补助;(3)学校其他福利。



联系人:姚老师       联系电话:+86-182-6156-3962     电子邮箱:yaoying2017@126.com


无锡太湖学院 国际教育学院

中国江苏省 无锡市钱荣路68号 行政楼附楼B204室    邮政编码:214064



Taihu University of Wuxi Job Openings for English Lecturers


I. Brief Introduction of Taihu University of Wuxi (TUW)

Taihu University of Wuxi is a multi-disciplinary, application-oriented university accredited by the Ministry of Education of China. Founded in 2002, after years of fast development, TUW is now one of the leading private universities in China in terms of its size and reputation, specifically competitive and influential in the private sector of China’s higher education. TUW is located in the city of Wuxi, which is the geographic center of the Yangtze Delta and well known of its strong economy, beautiful environment and dynamic culture. TUW’s main campus covers over 2,000 acres within Huishan National Forest Park area and accommodates more than 16,000 faculty and students. TUW has 9 schools in the fields of engineering, business, arts, literature, science, nursing, and over 30 majors. TUW is dedicated to promote international education and cooperation, and has established multi-level cooperation relations with universities of the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan, Russia and other countries and various international education projects. We sincerely invite foreign lecturers to join us for TUW’s better future.


II. Job Openings

Job Description:

English Language Course Lecturer

Position Open for up to 4 Lecturers


III. Qualifications

1. Native English speaker, bachelor’s degree, and teaching experience.

(Applicants with master’s degree; and/or with TEFL, ESL, teaching certificates are preferred);

2. Teaching and trans-culture communication skills;

3. No Crime Record;

4. Healthy, active, and Open-minded;

5. Serious and responsible work attitude, professional work ethics, and teamwork spirit.


IV. Application Materials

1. Resume/CV

2. Copy of passport photo page;

3. Copy of the highest degree diploma and other related certificates

4. Provide contact information of two references.


V. Application

Please Email application materials to: yaoying2017@126.com Please use the title “Application for English Lecturer + Name”.


VI. Salary and Benefits

1. Salary: Based on TUW salary regulations, Salary will be determined in consideration of educational background and work experience.

2. Housing: University provides furnished on-campus apartment unit for free housing.

3. Insurance: In line with government regulations, University provides five kinds of insurances including medical insurance.

4. Welfare: (1) Meal Subsidy; (2) Utility Subsidy; (3) Other University benefits and welfares.


VII. Contact Information

Contact:   Mr. Yao

E-mail:    yaoying2017@126.com

Phone:    +86-182-6156-3962

Address:   School of International Education

Room B204, Annex Building 6, No.68 Qianrong Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China

Postal Code: 214064

